Native birds in New Zealand.🐦🐦🐦🐦🐦🐦🐦
Piwakawaka are very small birds but except they have very long tails that looks like a fan! Which reminds me of something! Do you know what it is? It's a fantail! Piwakawaka are very similar to fantails which almost makes piwakawaka and fantails well... the same!
Kereru are very big and fat birds! Kereru are basically the opposite of Piwakawaka! Kereru are very slow like a snail! Kereru eats a lot of food so that's why they can barely fly! Sometimes Kereru sometimes get confused and crash into windows!
Karearea are very strong birds. Karearea fierce and powerful hunters! They have very strong claws too. Sometimes Karearea even catch prey that is larger than them.Karearea even hunt birds like Kereru!
Kea are very interesting birds.They are very curious birds too! Even though they are sometimes on the naughty side because they actually rip tents and damage cars, most say that Kea are very clever birds so maybe they might be on the good side!!!
Tui are very clever birds! More clever than Kea too! Tui can copy sounds,songs,the ringtone of your phone when someone is calling you and they can even copy what you or anyone else is saying! To me Tuis are one of New Zealand's smartest birds!
Ruru are owls! They are Nocturnal! And if you're wondering what nocturnal means, well it means that they sleep in the day and hunt or just stay awake at night time! So for owls daytime is there night time and when it's night time for the owls it's there day time!!
Kiwis are one of those birds that can't fly! But they do have wings like all birds have wings but except kiwis wings are too short to be able to fly! Kiwis are nocturnal birds as well just like the ruru!