Thursday, August 26, 2021

The B family's pet. (My original name)

 The B family's pet. (My original name)

One day the B family decided they would get a pet! The father went to the toy shop but there weren’t any cheap puppies or kittens but there was a very cheap dragon? It was a very cheap dragon though because it was only 50$.

At first the dad thought the dragon wasn’t that special so he said “This dragon probably is worthless because of how cheap it is” but then the man at the register said “ This dragon is a very special species and he is the last of his species” so the dad bought the dragon.

When he got home he took the dragon into his son's room with his son. His son named the dragon Special! Before the next day the family didn’t know why their son called the dragon special but in the morning they finally understood why the dragon was so special!

In the morning the whole house was clean,it was a miracle! The family thought it was a coincidence that the whole house was clean but then they saw the dragon cooking breakfast. It truly was a miracle! The family finally understood why the dragon was so special. But soon he got out of hand...Special (the dragon) always woke them up early,made them food when they were full and was always so loud while cleaning! The B family were getting tired of it so they  decided they would make a big room where Special could do whatever he wanted. So they did it and it was a success! After that nothing went wrong! Until Special bought a SUPER vacuum...THE END!!


  1. Love your stories Zurielle. Keep up the fantastic work.

  2. You made me laugh Zurielle. I wish I had such a super special dragon... in fact, it would make my life perfect:-) I love your interesting problem, solution and an effective ending! Ka Pai!


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